Author Archives: Jim Rietz

Spencer Document Index

Booklet Cover by Audrey
Title Page by Heather
Hand written Table of Contents by Violet
Electronic Table of Contents

1    Six Generations beginning with John & Susannah (née Griffin) Spencer
2    April 7, 1746 Pasco Whitford, borrowed 15 pounds, Witnesses: John Spencer, Benj. Sweet.
Dec. 21, 1742 Clement Cooper, witness of will of Wm. Spencer
3         Letter “Why then should I suffer in the world’s eye for your baseness?”
4        June 21, 1748 Wm Spencer, Jr. made lieut, 2nd Co. East Greenwich, by Wm Green Gov.    (missing document)
5        April 2, 1759 Wm. Spencer, Jr. …oblidged unto Samuel Davis, clother…
6,6a        @1750 Deed to Wm. Spencer, Jr. for farm on Middle Road (AudreyMaeSpencer last Spencer to     be born at Spencer homestead)
7,7a,b    “This Indenture, April 16, 1750 (mortgage) money to pay for the farm
8    May 1, 1762 Wm Spencer to pay…fees between Matteson & Thorn
9,9a,b,c  Deed of Sale from John Manchester to Wm Spencer, Jr.
10    (page 8,9 and 10 pages may be two documents and Violet’s translation explanations of page 8)
11    1764 “Deed” from Sheriff to William Spencer (Sheriff at public auction to Wm Spencer,     highest bidder…gave deed…)
12    (missing document and Violet’s translation and explanation)
13     (missing document and Violet’s translation and explanation)
14,14a,b    Jan. 31, 1778 Mary Spencer appointed administratiix of late husband Wm Spencer, Jr.
15,15a,b    January 31, 1778 Inventory of personal estate of Wm Spencer, Jr.
(John Johnson and Thomas Shippee, inventory)
15y,z    April 1172 to Jan. 1777 bill by Wm Arnold
16    July 22, 1781  Widow of Wm Spencer applied to draw from the inventory…
17    Feb. 7,1778 Gideon Tripp (also Violet’s translation of page 18)
18    Thurston Carr of E.G., 500 pounds owed to Mary Spencer
19,19a        Jan. 12, 1778 John Spencer becomes owner of his father’s farm
20    June 1, 1778 …one barrel of cider for the ride of my “mair” Tom Mateson… July 6, 1778 rec’ of     Mary Spencer 13 shillings and 4 pence Oliver Arnold..July 12, 1778 5 pounds and 6 pence     Pardon Tillinghast… July 8, 1778 Joe Joslyn (1 of 4 document missing)
21    Sept. 23, 1778 Mary Spencer, administrix to Richard Spencer…Caleb Whitford…Oct. 19,1778     12 shillings…Thomas Place, Jr. … Jan.7, 1778  2 pounds, 17 shillings and 11 pence
22    Nov. 28, 1778  Issac Johnson and Thomas Shippee, inventory, of Richard Spencer’s estate and     his father Wm. Jr.’s
23    Nov. 28, 1778 Rec’ of  Mary Spencer, administratrix of Richard Spencer,… for probate of     inventory…Preserved Pearce (Pres. Of Council)…March 7,1780  5 pounds … nursed son     Richard for the small pox, washed his clothes…Morgin Calven
24    Mar. 24, 1780  Rec’ 18 pounds from Mary Spencer…Samuel Tarbox
25    (missing document)
26    March 1780 Rec’ of Mary Spencer, 50 shillings…Thomas Shippee…Amos Peary…Rich     Matteson…C. Lewis
27    May 4, 1781 Rec’d of Mary Spencer by the hand of Caleb Whitford…for tax…Jonathan Salsbury
28    June 1781 “To my time, trouble and expense in settling business of said Wm. Deseased” … H.     Cooke … Nov 7, 1783 Anthony Holden … 1784 Richard Matheson
29    Oct. 29, 1784 Rec. all that Wm Spencer gave to his dau. Elener…Audrey… Edw Carr …     dissevered of John Spencer all debts and demands of Wm. Spencer estate…John Griswold
30    Sept. 28, 1783 Letter from Edw. And Elener Carr to her mother Mary Spencer …
31    (missing document)
32    Nov. 27,1793  Promise to pay John Johnson … Dec. 30,1797 Promise to pay Thomas Shippy     Jr. , witness Andrew Boyd
33    Mar. 26,1798  Rec’ of Capt. John Pitchir … Rufus Brayton … July 28, 1798 (missing document     with caption “Huldah was John Spencer’s wife” … John Spencer bought of Greenw Langford 6     bu. Oats…
34    (missing document)
35    1792 To Geo Whitford-for making shoes for John Spencer (document on permanent loan to     Marjorie Raymond March 17, 1981)…… Jan. 7, 1792 & Feb. 2, 1792 Promise to pay Richard     Mathewson
36    Mar. 12 Rec’ of John Spencer…for shoveling together with house rent due to Rodman Vaughan-    by Sam Whitford … May 28, 1793 Rec’ of John Spencer 6 shillings.  Caleb Coggeshall…June     20, 1793 Settles all accounts between Sanford Case and John Spencer
37    Apr. 30, 1792  Wm Briggs nominates Wm Gardner,…John Spencer,…John Place
38    (missing document) but on page 37: “On the next page is John Spencer’s notice of being chosen     as lieut.”
39    Nov. 12, 1788 Promise to pay Wilson Spencer…Ingon Marchintot Carn…Mar.19,1784 Promise     to pay Edw. Carr … Nov. 25, 1790 Rec’ one barrel cider of John Spencer on acct. of Peter     Turner. Wm King … Nov. 18, 1791 for Peter Turner…J.S. Taylor
40    April 16, 1791  Jonathan Pitcher, witness Andrew Pitcher … Nov. 2, 1791 impower John     Spencer to collect the debts…H. Cooke, town clerk … 1793 Wm. Gardner
41    June 26, 1779 John Spencer inoculated by Hope Joslyn…June 13, 1788 John Spencer, anthony     Spencer, John Nichols sued by Yelverton Briggs
42    Jan. 17, 1783 Promissory note to Joseph Wrightman … Jan. 26, 1784 Rec.’ of John     Spencer…Whitmarsh …July 10, 1786 no encumbrance on record…Hopkins Cooke, Town     Clerk…Oct. 27, 1788 Promissory note to Levi Whitford ten bushel of Indian corn (document on     permanent loan to Marjorie Raymond, March 17, 1981)
44    Dr. Obe Johnson, Amos Spencer, Caleb Greene-to work on schoolhouse at framing
45    Dec. 19, 1806 Bonds to build…Obe Johnson, Caleb Greene, Tillins, Amos Spencer, Thomas     Shippee, John Spencer, Benj. Vaughn
46    1807, To work on The Schoolhouse (Moosehorn Road)
47    Another acct. of Schoolhouse (on Moosehorn Rd-almost across from John (“Mack”) Spencer
48,48a  Sept. 1, 1800  Building John’s Spencer house, this acct. kept by Thomas Shippee, Jr.
49,49a  Building House (not John Spencer’s nor Shippee’s writing)
50    Mar. 20, 1800, indenture of lease between John Spencer and Thomas Nichols and Fones     Scranton
51    Mar. 22, 1800 “Then reckned (sic) and settled all acompts (sic) and demands”…John     Carpenter…Sept. 1, 1800 “met on the farm that John Spencer now lives”…Slade Gorton, Benoni     Hudson, Reubin Whitman
52    Jan. 5, 1801 “shew (sic) one horse…”  Fones Scranton…witness: George Potter… Dec. 6, 1801     Rec’ of John Spencer one dollar…Stephen Allin … Dec. 23, 1802  Mr. Stephen Williams …     watch to the bearrer (sic)
52    Feb. 13, 1802 promise to pay (Dr.) Peter Turner… witness: Daniel Turner (missing     document)…March 8, 1802 “his part of the schooling the preceeding winter”…J. Howland